Domaine de l'Hospitalet, Narbonne Plage, France
0.9M Views . 05 Jan 2013Béatrice and Jacques Ribourel left behind their exciting urban lives; she worked before for the World Bank, he was a famous promoter, so as to settle in the Clape, a vineyard in an exceptional site overhanging the sea, just a few kilometres from the Narbonne beach. Deep in the heart of the vineyards, they have created a wonderful tourist attraction, gathering altogether a restaurant according to David Moreno's concept (1 star Michelin), vineyard-cooks, rooms, regional craftsmen, small museums, and temporary expositions. Sitting on the bench of meditation, they measure the distance covered and gloat over their success, the success of coming over the adventure of their wines Béatrice, acknowledged by a great number of chefs.