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    • 00:01:26
      Béatrice and Jacques Ribourel left behind their exciting urban lives; she worked before for the World Bank, he was a famous promoter, so as to settle in the Clape, a vineyard in an exceptional site overhanging the sea, just a few kilometres from the Narbonne beach. Deep in the heart of the vineyards, they have created a wonderful tourist attraction, gathering altogether a restaurant according to David Moreno's concept (1 star Michelin), vineyard-cooks, rooms, regional craftsmen, small museums, and temporary expositions. Sitting on the bench of meditation, they measure the distance covered and gloat over their success, the success of coming over the adventure of their wines Béatrice, acknowledged by a great number of chefs.
    • 00:03:06
      Brouillade d'oeufs, tellines et truffes
      1. Démarrez la cuisson des tellines en les plongeant dans de l'eau bouillante salée, de l'eau de mer si possible.
      2. Dès que celles-ci commencent à s'ouvrir, sortez-les, à l'aide d'une écumoire.
      3. C'est une cuisson qui doit être très brève.
      4. Décoquillez les tellines.
      5. Réservez.
      6. Pour préparer la brouillade, hachez la truffe, puis, dans un bol, cassez les oeufs.
      7. Brouillez-les légèrement.
      8. Ajoutez la truffe hachée, le sel et le poivre.
      9. Pour rendre la brouillade plus souple, plus légère, montez les blancs en neige et incorporez-les.
      10. Mettez l'ensemble à cuire dans une casserole, avec un peu de beurre.
      11. Dès que la brouillade commence à prendre, ajoutez les tellines.
      12. Pour la touche finale, et pour rester dans la simplicité, tendance rurale, ajoutez juste une feuille de laurier et un peu de romarin.
    • 00:03:33
      Creme brulee with ginger and basil
      321.7K Views . 05 Jan 2013
      Make boil milk with vanilla cut in two and scrape with a spoon. Add sugar, then the peeled ginger and chopped. Let infuse, put to cool, filter then to Chinese. Add the egg yolks, cream and the leaves of basil chiseled. Put to cook in cassolette in the oven, to 100 degrees, during 50 to 60 min.. Let cool. At the time of serving, sprinkle sugar cassonade and burn to the blowtorch, in order to caramelize sugar, serve immediately.
    • 00:03:35
      Carre d'agneau Terre depices
      7.8K Views . 05 Jan 2013
      Carre d'agneau Terre depices, How-To: The day before cooking, peel the celery and put them in the robot. It has to look a bit like hard wheat semolina. Let them dry in a plate the whole night. Prepare the vegetables that will be cooked in a saucepan. Boil the shallots in oil... After the cooking, let the carre dagneau rest for a few minutes at a convenient, ambient temperature. Put the cooking plate of the carre dagneau on a full flame and deice it with a ladle of the vegetable cooking stock. Present the serving dish by taking some celery, lightly seasoned, a composition of vegetables and potatoes, and finally, the carre dagneau. Recover the cooking gravy from the meat and put it in a tin-plate. Pour sufficient sauce on the dish. Bon appetit!
    • 00:00:47
      Napkin folding lily flowerhorn - Pliage en fleur de lys-Napkin folding restaurant styles below are now available for free in video: click on the napkin folding style below - Use the following GOURMANDIA napkin folding secrets to impress and surprise your guests at private parties, restaurants, weddings and date dinning. Step by step, and easy to follow video that will help you learn how to fold Napkins to impress your guests. Please Subscribe to view videos of all 17 Napkin Folding Techniques Souscrivez afin de voir les videos des 17 techniques de pliage des serviettes.
    • 00:03:04
      Jarret de veau braisé à l'ail et au romarin
      1. Ficelez le jarret avant de le braiser.
      2. Faites colorer la mirepoix de légumes dans un mélange de beurre et d'huile, ensuite le jarret, mouillez avec un petit peu de fond de veau et un petit peu de fond blanc.
      3. Faites cuire à 100° pendant 4h au four sans ébullition.
      4. Pour lui redonner un croustillant, brochez-le pendant une 15 minutes à la flamme à gaz (ou grill) tout en l'arrosant avec le beurre malaxé avec l'ail et le persil abondament.
      5. Faites sauter les petits légumes d'accompagnement au du beurre (petites carottes, navets, asperges) Faites des minis brochettes d'abats et poêlez-les.
      6. Dressage Disposez les petits légumes, le jarret (vous pouvez l'accompagner d'os à moelle).
      7. Déposez les minis brochettes, décorez de branches de romarin, arrosez du jus réduit du braisage.
      8. Servez.
    • 00:05:19
      Prawn charlotte with eggplants
      7.3K Views . 05 Jan 2013
      Prawn charlotte with eggplants-<ol> <li>Decorticate the prawn and keep the tales in carapace waiting one ice.</li></ol> <h5>Nantua sauce:</h5><ol> <li>Prepare 1 pint sauce using the fish fumet, the prawns' bodies and the claws, the minced vegetables and about 3.3 lbs. tomatoes.</li> <li>Cut the eggplant in round slices. Then, put them in a pan with olive oil. Afterwards, pose them on a piece of linen to absorb the oil. Poach the prawn tales for a few minutes.</li> <li>Hack the basil. </li> <li>Decorticate and cut the prawn tales. Place them as medallions with the eggplants in an individual round 3.9 in mould (bowl), overlapping. Add basil and one spoon reduced Nantua sauce. </li> <li>Put the whole in the oven at 428 degrees F for about 10 minutes. </li> <li>Remove them from the mould and place them on a serving dish. Cover it with one spoon Mornay sauce, place some Nantua sauce around each piece and gratinate. Decorate with the rest of the tomatoes cut in dice.</li> </ol>
    • 00:01:24
      From Epernay, capital of wines of Champagne we shall follow Bruno through the côteaux of this vineyards up to its subterranean cellars and will try to drill the mystery of this elixir which makes dream about the whole world. We shall discover with the famous pastry cook Dallet, the secret of the traditional pink biscuit of champagne taken away well from the boudoirs which we find today. We shall follow the wine growers in the hunting in the wood of Cormont where invites them every year a woman of exception, an owner of one of the last family houses of Champagne; Caroll Duval-Leroy. Two studed Parisian chef will accommodate the products of the hunting and the woods; Christian Pignol of the Relais d'Auteuil will treat us of ceps in foie gras and Gérard Besson of a famous wild boar in citrus fruits.
    • 00:02:30
      Salade de fruits de mer à la ligurienne
      1. Mettez pendant quelques minutes les fruits de mer au court-bouillon, dans beaucoup d'eau salée aromatisée, où baignent déjà les carottes, le céleri, les oignons et le laurier.
      2. Egouttez et assaisonnez avec la sauce, le persil haché et la marjolaine.
      3. Servez.
    • 00:01:29
      Very near Monaco, the station of Menton, brought into vogue at the beginning of the century, is a green town, enriched with eight exceptional gardens where we can look for some freshness in the midst of the luxuriant exotic vegetation. The architecture itself witnesses an ostentatious past heritage, and it is in one of its most prestigious De Luxe hotels that Charles Caruso welcomes us at the Richmond. He has made ready for us a royal Chrysophrys with Citrus fruit, the Citrus being obviously the Emblem of the town. To follow, we can enjoy the pannacotta, an Italian influence, as it was part of it until the XIVth. Century. It is by the way in Italy, between the sea and the "Balzi Rossi", the red rocks, that the Beglia family recommends refined food, inspired from the province of Ligurie, such as these farfales with gambas and courgettes, or this zabeglione bathed in the Piémont muscat wine.
    • 00:04:04
      Deer Fillet, cooked in Vapor of Indian Verbena - Chef Johann Lafer-<ol> <li>Put ginger, Indian verbena, shallots and garlic in a cocotte.</li> <li>Then, sear in sesame oil.</li> <li>Add some allspice, some pepper grains, coriander leafs, white wine, bouillon and cover the whole with a lid. Let it slowly cook.</li> <li>During this cooking, take the deer fillet and season it with salt and pepper.</li> <li>Sear quickly in a pan with very hot sesame oil. </li> <li>Continue by putting the deer fillet in a sieve to cook it in the steam of the Indian verbena.</li> <li>Cover with a lid and let it slowly cook.</li> <li>Then, prepare the glazed (sugarcoated) chestnuts.</li> <li>Simply put some cane sugar in a saucepan. Add the peeled chestnuts and sprinkle with some maple syrup.</li> <li>Wait until the chestnuts are well cooked and the liquid turns into a thick syrup.</li> <li>Next, prepare the crêpes as accompaniment.</li> <li>These are very simple crêpes, which you fill with blueberries that have been previously enlarged with cornstarch.</li> <li>Place the stuffed and folded crêpes in a pan with warm butter to heat and color them.</li> <li>Cut the meat. Then, place it on a serving dish, accompanied with the stuffed crêpe, chestnuts, a carrot with its green, some broccoli and asparagus.</li> <li>Sprinkle the dish with the game fond sauce and red wine. Add some parsley leafs for the visual pleasure. Enjoy!</li> </ol>
    • 00:03:58
      Candies of foie gras syrup of Banyuls
      507.9K Views . 05 Jan 2013
      Make reduce the liter of Banyuls until obtaining of a thick syrup. Reserve. To do the crystallized of onions, shred, fall to butter and sweeten slightly. Make low heat cook. Add the balsamic vinegar, reduce, season, reserve then. To prepare the crystallized of pears, peel and carve the pears rudely. Make butter sweat them and let cook for a long time. Add vanilla, sweeten slightly, mix, reserve then. Carve in the lobe of foie gras of the pieces of about 20 to 30 g (to foresee 3 of them per person) and flour them. Peel the potatoes, put them in the grater, carve them then in order to get long thongs. Roll these thongs all around the pieces of foie gras. Put them to fry in the very hot oil. Season the leaves of corn salad to
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