Candies of foie gras syrup of Banyuls


Make reduce the liter of Banyuls until obtaining of a thick syrup. Reserve. To do the crystallized of onions, shred, fall to butter and sweeten slightly. Make low heat cook. Add the balsamic vinegar, reduce, season, reserve then. To prepare the crystallized of pears, peel and carve the pears rudely. Make butter sweat them and let cook for a long time. Add vanilla, sweeten slightly, mix, reserve then. Carve in the lobe of foie gras of the pieces of about 20 to 30 g (to foresee 3 of them per person) and flour them. Peel the potatoes, put them in the grater, carve them then in order to get long thongs. Roll these thongs all around the pieces of foie gras. Put them to fry in the very hot oil. Season the leaves of corn salad to
