Rhubarb bonbons with anise parfait


Rhubarb bonbons with anise parfait-

  1. Mix the egg yolk, eggs and sugar until the mixture turns whitish.
  2. Add the whipped cream. Peel and cut the rhubarb into small dice. Make a puree out of it. Add the crushed raspberries as sauce.
  3. Boil down well. Let it cool down before mixing it with the remainders. Add some drops of Pastis and stir. Put it in the freezer.
  1. Peel the rhubarb. Cut it into dice with sides of about 0.6 in.
  2. Saute them in butter in a hot pan with sugar and cinnamon. Be careful not to cook them too much, just until they are soft enough to be â??brokenâ?? afterwards. Drain them in a sieve and store them aside.
  3. Cut the baking paper in half by cutting the edges to have rectangles.
  4. Spread the almond dough with about 0.1 in. Then, cut rectangles sized smaller than those of the baking paper. Place the almond rectangles on the paper. Lay a â??stickâ?? of sauteed rhubarb on top of it and close it by rolling the dough.
  5. Then, attach the two extremes with a string to obtain a bonbon.
  6. Next, put them in a hot pan with clarified butter.
  7. Colour them well. Then, place them on a grill.
  8. Sprinkle powdered sugar over them and slide them in the oven at 428 degrees F for 3-4 minutes pour les glacer. Cut the strings and place them on a serving dish, accompanying them with parfait or vanilla ice-cream.
