Roasted Peach with Dried Fruits and Bitter Almond Ice Cream


Roasted Peach with Dried Fruits and Bitter Almond Ice Cream: Start by preparing the peach stuffing. Mix sugar, pomade butter, almond powder and dried fruits. Hollow the peaches by taking off their hat and cutting around the core. Then, fill the peaches with the stuffing, put the lid back on, and put peaches on a plate or pan to roast them. Now, add some greasy, for example butter, and put them in the oven for about 20 minutes, without stopping to moist them during the cooking process. After about 20 minutes, the peaches are roasted. Place one peach on each dish, pour some cooking gravy over the dish and accompany the peaches with lightly bitter almond ice-cream and frozen matches, for the contrast between hot and cold.
