Duck Fillet with Honey and Raspberry Vinegar


Duck Fillet with Honey and Raspberry Vinegar-
  1. Lightly remove the magret skin off. Season from both sides.
  2. Cook the magret in a hot pan, skin side first.
  3. Cook each side for 5-7 minutes on a small flame. Let it rest aside, off the flame.
  4. Pour honey and raspberry vinegar in a saucepan.
  5. Let it cook, quivering, for 5 minutes.
  6. Add the duck stock and let it cook (quiver) for another 8-10 minutes.
  7. Cut the magret in thin slices and place it, in form of rose petals, in the middle of the hot serving dishes.
  8. Cover it with some sauce and decorate with a piece of chervil.
